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About SM
Development aims to guide us towards a more sustainable community, a place
- the needs of everyone in the community are met
and people feel safe, healthy and ultimately happy
- our environment is appreciated, protected and
enhanced and damage to the environment is minimised
- our economy is vibrant, employment opportunities
are improved and our working lives are more rewarding
Creating a Sustainable Society involves:
Protecting and Enhancing the Environment
- use energy, water and other natural
resources efficiently and with care
- minimise waste, then re-use or
recover it through recycling, composting or energy recovery, and
finally sustainably dispose of what is left
- limit pollution to levels which
do not damage natural systems
- value and protect the diversity of nature
Meeting Social Needs
- create and enhance places,
spaces and buildings which work well, wear well and look good
- make settlement 'human' in scale
and form
- value and protect diversity and
local distinctiveness and strengthen local community and cultural
- protect human health and amenity
through safe, clean and pleasant environments
- emphasise health service prevention
action as well as cure
- ensure access to good food, water,
housing and fuel at a reasonable cost
- meet local needs locally
wherever possible
- maximise everyone's access to the skills
and knowledge needed to play a full part in society
- empower all sections of the
community to participate in decision-making and consider the
social and community aspects of decisions
Promoting Economic Success
- create a vibrant local economy
that gives access to satisfying and rewarding work without damage to
the local, national or global environment
- value unpaid work
- encourage necessary access to
facilities, services, goods and other people in ways which make less
use of the car and minimise impacts on the environment
- make opportunities for culture,
leisure and recreation readily available to all